
from The Century Dictionary.

  • In biology, delicately or minutely striate.
  • In botany, minutely striate.


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  • The _third glume_ is thickly coriaceous, brownish, shining, minutely striolate, margins roundly incurved throughout its length, paleate; the _palea_ is similar to the glume in structure and colour, margins strongly inflexed and with two broad membranous auricles almost overlapping just below the middle.

    A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses K. Rangachari

  • The _fourth glume_ is thinly coriaceous, shining, striolate, broadly ovate, mucronate, compressed, faintly and thinly 5-nerved and _palea_ with infolded margins.

    A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses K. Rangachari


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