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  • We talked with her and some of her children for a while, and drank a soda which they locally call a sucrerie: a sweet. Recent Updates 2008

  • We talked with her and some of her children for a while, and drank a soda which they locally call a sucrerie: a sweet. Recent Updates 2008

  • The sucrerie itself was a grand old structure, with one main dining hall, and one set of smaller dining rooms, each one with their own band.

    Archive 2009-04-01 2009

  • Sucrerie de la Montagne is a fairly old-school sucrerie.

    Archive 2009-04-01 2009

  • The sucrerie, which also offers overnight accommodation, is open to the public year-round, and is a frequent choice for weddings and other special days, as well as corporate team-building events.

    The Telegram: Local News 2009


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