suicide-bomber love


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  • A Kabul police spokesman said the Taliban first struck the U.S. and other embassies, then launched assaults at several other targets in the city, including suicide-bomber attacks on a traffic-control office and a high school.

    Afghan Insurgents Strike Across Kabul Maria Abi-Habib 2011

  • Another recounted that “Arab and Iraqi mujahideen began visiting us, transferring the latest IED technology and suicide-bomber tactics they had learned in the Iraqi resistance.”

    The Longest War Peter L. Bergen 2011

  • Another recounted that “Arab and Iraqi mujahideen began visiting us, transferring the latest IED technology and suicide-bomber tactics they had learned in the Iraqi resistance.”

    The Longest War Peter L. Bergen 2011

  • Another recounted that “Arab and Iraqi mujahideen began visiting us, transferring the latest IED technology and suicide-bomber tactics they had learned in the Iraqi resistance.”

    The Longest War Peter L. Bergen 2011

  • This new al-Qaida magazine for women has beauty tips and suicide-bomber tips!

    Victoria Jackson: Muslim Brotherhood Taking Over America, Six Hour FBI Meeting 2011

  • A suicide-bomber blew himself up Tuesday in the midst of a crowd of aspiring police recruits in the Sunni-Arab town of Tikrit, north of Baghdad.

    Suicide Bomber Kills In Iraq at Least 50, Wounds 150 2011

  • The Afghan government this week said the Quetta Shura was behind the suicide-bomber assassination of Burhanuddin Rabbani in Kabul.

    Impossible Pakistan 2011

  • Another recounted that “Arab and Iraqi mujahideen began visiting us, transferring the latest IED technology and suicide-bomber tactics they had learned in the Iraqi resistance.”

    The Longest War Peter L. Bergen 2011

  • I think Chris Morris's new film Four Lions is probably the (English-speaking) world's first suicide-bomber comedy.

    Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I... 2010

  • I think Chris Morris's new film Four Lions is probably the (English-speaking) world's first suicide-bomber comedy.

    Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I... 2010


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