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  • In other words, national debts should now be paid through supra-national borrowing, with penalties on the very financiers who are bankrolling European governments, and more bailouts on the backs of nations that have spent within their means.

    The Debt Party 2010

  • In the old days, there were nation states; in the new world order, there are supra-national corporations exercising power without restraint.

    TED's Chris Anderson: the man who made YouTube clever 2011

  • The EU is a supra-national institution of independent states that have pooled sovereignty in specific, limited areas, but joining in a Nordic state, by definition, would end the independence of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden and create a completely new state.

    Is a federal Nordic state on the cards? Eirikur Bergmann 2010

  • That process was especially pronounced in the eurozone, where the formation of the single currency, amid a heady rush of supra-national solidarity, gave investors a reason to diversify out of ultra-safe German debt.

    Why we all get burnt in the bonfire of the bond markets 2011

  • It has effectively replaced the long-understood principle that supra-national authorities provide liquidity support to countries in financial difficulty, giving them time to sort out their problems, with a new doctrine of automatic bail-in as a precondition of support.

    Euro-Zone Tax Idea Looks Promising Simon Nixon 2011

  • Because of globalization, European integration, national compromises overrun by supra-national laws.

    Pepe Escobar: Letter from Islamophobistan Pepe Escobar 2010

  • Ever since the Kalmar Union of the kingdoms of Denmark, Norway and Sweden – reaching to Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Shetland and Orkney – collapsed in 1523, the idea of reinstating some sort of a supra-national Nordic state regularly crops up.

    Is a federal Nordic state on the cards? Eirikur Bergmann 2010

  • But Berlin had wanted the rules to be policed by a supra-national body such as the European Commission or the European Court of Justice.

    The Pitfalls of Merkozy's Third Way Simon Nixon 2011

  • What's more, national governments, even supra-national political groupings, have struggled when confronted by the destructive failure of truly global mechanisms such as the world's banking system and the bond markets.

    It's not just our leaders who are in a crisis. Democracy itself is failing | Peter Beaumont 2011

  • Not least, gigantic corporations like PurCal and AgriGen have become supra-national forces, with their own armies.

    Paolo Bacigalupi's "The Windup Girl," winner of the Nebula Award 2010


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