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  • BROOKS: But opponents describe Cape Wind as a sweet-heart deal - pushed aggressively by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, who appointed the utility commissioners now deciding whether or not to approve the project.

    Opponents Face Last Chance To Nix Cape Wind Plan 2010

  • BROOKS: But opponents describe Cape Wind as a sweet-heart deal - pushed aggressively by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, who appointed the utility commissioners now deciding whether or not to approve the project.

    Opponents Face Last Chance To Nix Cape Wind Plan 2010

  • BROOKS: But opponents describe Cape Wind as a sweet-heart deal - pushed aggressively by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, who appointed the utility commissioners now deciding whether or not to approve the project.

    Opponents Face Last Chance To Nix Cape Wind Plan 2010

  • Most of us were really rooting for him ... but he has turned out to be the worst President in my lifetime ... and and exuded secrecy, sweet-heart deals and played politics.

    CNN Poll: Obama approval drops 7 points over last 100 days 2009

  • BROOKS: But opponents describe Cape Wind as a sweet-heart deal - pushed aggressively by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, who appointed the utility commissioners now deciding whether or not to approve the project.

    Opponents Face Last Chance To Nix Cape Wind Plan 2010

  • BROOKS: But opponents describe Cape Wind as a sweet-heart deal - pushed aggressively by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, who appointed the utility commissioners now deciding whether or not to approve the project.

    Opponents Face Last Chance To Nix Cape Wind Plan 2010

  • BROOKS: But opponents describe Cape Wind as a sweet-heart deal - pushed aggressively by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, who appointed the utility commissioners now deciding whether or not to approve the project.

    Opponents Face Last Chance To Nix Cape Wind Plan 2010

  • BROOKS: But opponents describe Cape Wind as a sweet-heart deal - pushed aggressively by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, who appointed the utility commissioners now deciding whether or not to approve the project.

    Opponents Face Last Chance To Nix Cape Wind Plan 2010

  • We thought changing coaches would solve our problems, but we need to re-dedicate ourselves to a culture of winning, a renewed commitment to excellence, because right now we're the Notre Dame of super-powers, coasting on long-past glory and sweet-heart TV deals.

    Will Menaker: New Rule... 2009

  • The demands of each of these players for sweet-heart price terms and additional promotional money are incessant.

    William Petrocelli: No One Warned the Dinosaurs. Will Anyone Warn the Publishers? 2009


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