
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of switchblade.


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  • MSNBC's Ree Hines tells us why: A bad boy with a good heart packing a half-dozen built-in switchblades and a leather jacket?

    Logan’s run: A roundup of all things Wolverine | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment 2009

  • But in some areas, the knives had been confiscated by security guards and law-enforcement personnel, acting under a law that prohibits possession of spring-loaded, fast-opening knives known as switchblades or stilettos. -- Front Dion Lefler 2010

  • Oftentimes these knives are mistakenly referred to as switchblades, but they have their differences, said Richard Zwibel, owner of Blade Runner Knives, 907 W. Prince Road.

    unknown title 2009

  • I can't provide a link but as far as I recall switchblades and any knives with a standing blade longer than 12 cm are forbidden.

    Toytown Germany - Germany feed JohnWebb 2009

  • They uniformly sneered at the idea of switchblades, which they considered kid’s toys.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Huge win for Knife Rights 2009

  • The Obama administration wants to expand the 50-year-old ban on importing "switchblades" to include folding knives that can be opened with one hand, stirring fears the government may on the path to outlawing most pocket knives.

    One Old Vet 2009

  • The Obama administration wants to expand the 50-year-old ban on importing "switchblades" to include folding knives that can be opened with one hand, stirring fears the government may on the path to outlawing most pocket knives.

    PrairiePundit 2009

  • Customs, that agency has now embarked on redefining "switchblades" under federal law to include a wide variety of one hand opening knives that never were intended to be prohibited.

    walls of the city 2009

  • The first dealt with the recent attempt by Customs and Border Protection to classify certain "easy open" pocket knives as "switchblades," and subsequent efforts to amend the Federal Switchblade Act. My resolution suggested that since the problem of switchblades and switchblade crime was primarily a figment of Hollywood and Broadway, and since regulating tools is never a reasonable response to bad behavior, that the rights community should support the outright repeal of the Federal Switchblade Act.and any other such laws which are intended to modify behavior by restricting tools.

    Home 2009

  • Crooked Hor are switchblades legal or illeagal i seen them for sale on the internet

    Get a Safety Belt!!! 2010


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