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  • A young man from the State of BuckeyesWished sword-play with a fish of great size.

    Florida Keys Swordfish Limerick Contest John Merwin 2008

  • A young man from the State of BuckeyesWished sword-play with a fish of great size.

    Florida Keys Swordfish Limerick Contest John Merwin 2008

  • It's necessary and Wickline makes it interesting with lots of sword-play and intrigue and secret passages and whatnot; it's just especially nice when the dragons and flying lions show up in #3.

    1001 Arabian Nights: The Adventures of Sinbad Michael May 2008

  • We need not linger over definition of these qualities; but we must recognise, in Scott, the absence of lightness of touch, of delicacy in the small sword-play of conversation.

    Saint Ronan's Well 2008

  • For a time, most of the samurai had their sword-play, but few do those exercises now, and until about fifty years ago they went out for military training, a fortnight in every year, marching long distances, sleeping in the open, carrying provisions, and sham fighting over unfamiliar ground dotted with disappearing targets.

    A Modern Utopia Herbert George 2006

  • Turlogh sensed in the lightning sword-play and the slaughter that this was the proper element for the Dark Man.

    People of the Dark Howard, Robert E. 2005

  • Where Conan beat down opposition by the sheer weight and power of his blows, breaking spears, splitting skulls and cleaving bosoms to the breastbone, Valeria brought into action a finesse of sword-play that dazzled and bewildered her antagonists before it slew them.

    The Conquering Sword of Conan Howard, Robert E. 2005

  • Where Conan beat down opposition by the sheer weight and power of his blows, breaking spears, splitting skulls and cleaving bosoms to the breastbone, Valeria brought into action a finesse of sword-play that dazzled and bewildered her antagonists before it slew them.

    The Conquering Sword Of Conan Howard, Robert E. 2005

  • I spent the day at sword-play and wrestling, and swimming in the Lake of the Ghosts — after my headache had worn off.

    Dwellers in the Mirage 2004

  • The tossing of abuse from realist to romanticist and back is but the sword-play of two one-eyed men with their blind side turned toward each other.

    The Inn of Tranquillity: Studies and Essays 2004


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