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  • noun A human gene that encodes a synaptic vesicle glycoprotein.


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  • (MCAo) significantly increased activation of tPA and downregulated PAI-1 levels in the ischemic boundary zone (IBZ) compared with control PBS treated mice, concurrently with increases of myelinated axons and synaptophysin.

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles Hongqi Xin et al. 2010

  • These data suggest that, although we cannot exclude a contribution of MSC induced neuroprotection to the MSC mediated increase in axonal fiber density and synaptophysin expression, the reduction in apoptosis likely plays a minor role in the observed white matter remodeling.

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles Hongqi Xin et al. 2010

  • Axonal transport of synaptophysin-mCherry in adult nerve cells in culture - Articles related to Scientists uncover mysterious workings of cholera bacteria 2010

  • MCID software was used to analyze the integrated density of labeled axonal fibers and synaptophysin in the IBZ.

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles Hongqi Xin et al. 2010

  • Axonal transport of synaptophysin-mCherry in adult nerve cells in culture www. Axonal transport of synaptophysin in multiple axons in a DIV 20 neuronal culture - Articles related to Scientists uncover mysterious workings of cholera bacteria 2010

  • Axonal transport of synaptophysin-mCherry in adult nerve cells in culture www. Axonal transport of synaptophysin in multiple axons in a DIV 20 neuronal culture - Articles related to Scientists uncover mysterious workings of cholera bacteria 2010

  • Reactive astrocytes coexpressing GFAP and HMGB1 increased in peri-infarct cortex from 1 to 14 days after cerebral ischemia in parallel with an increase in the neurovascular remodeling markers CD31, synaptophysin, and PSD95.

    Naturejobs - All Jobs Kazuhide Hayakawa 2010

  • Histologically, the tumor was composed of two distinct components - an epithelioid component with granular cytoplasm that stained for synaptophysin, melan-A, calretinin, and vimentin compatible with adrenocortical differentiation, and a pleomorphic to spindled component that was positive for desmin and myogenin, compatible with rhabdomyosarcomatous differentiation.

    BioMed Central - Latest articles Kotaro Sasaki 2010

  • Markers of reactive astrocytes (glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), HMGB1), markers of neurovascular remodeling (CD31, synaptophysin, PSD95), and behavioral outcomes (neuroscore, rotarod latency) were quantified from 1 to 14 days.

    Naturejobs - All Jobs Kazuhide Hayakawa 2010

  • Axonal transport of synaptophysin-mCherry in adult nerve cells in culture www. Axonal transport of synaptophysin in multiple axons in a DIV 20 neuronal culture - Articles related to Scientists uncover mysterious workings of cholera bacteria 2010


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