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  • I lookt upon her, saw mirth in her eies, heard boldness in her words, and beheld her ready to tucke up her russat petticoate; and I fitted her with bels, which she merrily taking garnisht her thicke short legs, and with a smooth brow bad the tabur begin.

    Yet Again Max Beerbohm 1914

  • Dilanjutkan acara tabur bunga, konferensi pers, dan ditutup dengan diskusi.

    Jakarta IMC Newswire 2009

  • Dalam posting bertajuk "Awak ciluk, kawan ciluk, last-last kawan dapat," Bendahara Tun Perak menghantar komen berikut: hang pak bakaq mesti suka kerajaan perak tumbang. .hang jugak paling banyak tabur fitnah kepada kerajaan negeri Perak pimpinan Ir Nizar ... dasar Syiah bangsat

    ~penarik beca 2009

  • Kalau si mufti Perak tak usah kiralah - lebihkurang burung merpati saja perangainya - tabur gandum berbunyilah ia!

    ~penarik beca 2009

  • Dilanjutkan acara tabur bunga, konferensi pers, dan ditutup dengan diskusi.

    Oceania Indymedia Features Newswire 2008

  • Usai renungan yang diikuti tabur bunga, para peserta tampak membubarkan diri dengan tertib di bawah pengamanan petugas yang terus mondar-mandir di kawasan obyek wisata internasional Kuta.

    ANTARA - Berita Terkini 2008

  • The two ponies were put to the gallop as the peregrine began to "stoop"; and then down like a plummet she fell with closed wings, "raked" the quarry with her talons as she passed; recovered herself, and as Anthony came up holding out the _tabur-stycke_, returned to him and was hooded and leashed again; and sat there on his gloved wrist with wet claws, just shivering slightly from her nerves, like the aristocrat she was; while her master stroked her ashy back and the boy picked up the quarry, admiring the deep rent before he threw it into the pannier.

    By What Authority? Robert Hugh Benson 1892


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