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  • This is called the tariqat, the spiritual path or way towards God.

    Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions 2010

  • From numerous loose associations of mystics led by independent masters, the Sufi movement matured during the period into a number of formally organized religious orders or brotherhoods (tariqat).

    b. Iran, Iraq, and Anatolia 2001

  • Under the impetus of his reforms, independent Sufi lodges were affiliated with larger preexisting orders (tariqat).

    1335-58 2001

  • There are in the spiritual path (_tariqat_) many things not justifiable according to the written law (_shariat_).

    Mystics and Saints of Islam Claud Field 1902

  • After the death of his father, Sayed Burhanuddin (RA.) was also his mentor on the path of tariqat for 9 years.

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows 2009

  • As a result, the tariqat-meaning the "way" or "path" and denoting the pursuit of spiritual truth via Islamic law-became irrelevant, and Muslims lost the heart of their tradition.

    RealClearPolitics - Homepage 2009

  • One example involves the followers of the Kunta-Haji wird of the Qadiriya tariqat of Vaynakh origin, while another involves "the members of the National Organization of

    Spero News 2010


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