
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adverb In a taxing manner.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

taxing +‎ -ly


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  • Here was a country that traditionally had no use for metaphysics – a country better known for producing pragmatism and legal realism as philosophical stances – suddenly succumbing to a Francophiliac mania for abstruse thought largely issuing from a tradition of European phenomenology little known in the US and expressed in a taxingly opaque idiom.

    Literary Theory « So Many Books 2004

  • They dance side by side in harmonious refinement: he has a taxingly precise heroic solo, and she dances in his arms, most affectingly in rapid, jumping lifts taking off from the same spot but in opposite direction - right, left, right, as if not knowing which way to go in her newfound rapture.

    NYT > Home Page 2010


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