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  • Hayley caught the word telefon and saw Irina Petrovna raise her eyebrows, mockingly.

    Calling A Dead Man Cross, Gillian 2001

  • Initially I thought she needed another favour, until she said, "Saja je telefon akak, dah lama tak dengar cerita.

    SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator 2010

  • Rano ogolił się, ubrał czystą koszulę i odtąd wszystko diabli wzięli, nawet nie ruszył nóg ze stołu, a tylko ciągle wpatrywał się w telefon.

    2010 Kwiecień « Balkan United 2010

  • Diverse verfГјgbare sprachen verf e-mail, telefon full contact poker offenbach und zuverl ssige und polish russian

    On the Mammogram Recommendation... Nomad 2009

  • Well – ai DOO know awl about teh telefon, guise taht wuz fur teh awnlukers.

    pardon me, good sir - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger? 2008

  • May 17, 2006 02: 17 unclebrother: oh me oh my how i love this. when it starts off with lil 'wayne over telefon tel aviv (my absolute favorite) i knew it was time to tell a bunch of friends that i just came across some pure fire. you can't go wrong with Hefty Records.

    Indie beats vs flossin' raps (Music (For Robots)) 2006

  • Google wyprodukuje własny telefon na począ tku 2010 roku?

    The Google Phone Is Very Real. And It’s Coming Soon Michael Arrington 2005

  • Hampeh - line macam biskut, telefon dia pulak dah berjangkit penyakit telefon aku.

    Ulasan naddywoman 2002

  • Adegan Yang Tak Diingini pun berlaku di mana si isteri dengan nada penuh emosi berkata "Apsal awak cam irritated kat saya ni?!" dan si suami menjawab "Saya irritated dengan telefon ni lah - kejap dengar kejap tak dengar ... err ... you PMS ke".

    Ulasan naddywoman 2002

  • I am willing to give a little more during the next telefon so I can listen to NPR if I choose.

    unknown title 2011


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