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  • And Michael 'Transformers' Bay could be allowed to nick a Bounty bar from the Brixton Tesco between the hours of 4 and 5-30 on termtime weekdays.

    Archive 2009-09-01 juliette 2009

  • And Michael 'Transformers' Bay could be allowed to nick a Bounty bar from the Brixton Tesco between the hours of 4 and 5-30 on termtime weekdays.

    Artistic Licence juliette 2009

  • Also no one seems to mention teachers are doomed never to get a cheap holiday during termtime!

    Kos RSS Feed 2010

  • Also no one seems to mention teachers are doomed never to get a cheap holiday during termtime!

    Kos RSS Feed 2010

  • Also no one seems to mention teachers are doomed never to get a cheap holiday during termtime!

    Kos RSS Feed 2010

  • Also no one seems to mention teachers are doomed never to get a cheap holiday during termtime!

    Kos RSS Feed 2010

  • Also no one seems to mention teachers are doomed never to get a cheap holiday during termtime!

    Kos RSS Feed 2010

  • Parents have to pay 38 per cent more for a summer trip abroad during school holidays than during termtime, a study has discovered. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph 2010

  • Also no one seems to mention teachers are doomed never to get a cheap holiday during termtime!

    Kos RSS Feed 2010

  • R says this is what summer holidays are like, when they finish school, and she’s always reminded and amazed what a tight leash they’re on during termtime.

    July « 2006 « Squares of Wheat 2006


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