tetranucleotide love



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  • noun genetics a codon containing four nucleotides


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  • BTW, historically biologists once thought that a certain tetranucleotide was only an unimportant structural support for cells.

    A Third Choice (ID Hypothesis) 2007

  • A new class of genetic markers, microsatellite repeats, was identified in 1989 (Litt and Luty 1989; Tautz 1989; Weber and May 1989); because these sets of tandem repeats of short (either dinucleotide, trinucleotide, or tetranucleotide) DNA sequences are more highly polymorphic and detectable by PCR, microsatellites quickly replaced RFLPs as markers of choice for genetic linkage mapping and furnished the STS markers which facilitated the integration of genetic and physical maps.

    The Human Genome Project Gannett, Lisa 2008

  • The prevailing theory was that there were two purines and two pyrimidines in each tetranucleotide and that these tetranucleotides were strung together in some fashion.

    Nobel Lecture The Purine Path To Chemotherapy 1988

  • DM2 is caused by an expansion of the tetranucleotide CCTG repeat within the first intron of

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles Morgan A. Sammons et al. 2010

  • DM2 is caused by an expansion of the tetranucleotide CCTG repeat within the first intron of

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles Morgan A. Sammons et al. 2010

  • PUF proteins bind to an RNA element that comprises a core 'UGUR' tetranucleotide followed by

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles 2008


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