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  • After a long scramel aw fan misen o Norland Moor -- an it wor a seet worth tewing for, for th 'heather wor i' bloom, an it lukt as if a purple carpet had been laid for th 'buzzards an bees to frolic on; an ther wor sich a hum raand wol it saanded as if they wor playin' bass to th 'skylarks' at wor warblin 'up aboon.

    Yorksher Puddin' A Collection of the Most Popular Dialect Stories from the Pen of John Hartley John Hartley 1877

  • Bullfrog, whom I bought him of, is very fat -- eats a great deal of venison and turtle -- all sorts of good things, in fact -- and can't stand much tewing in the saddle; now, I rather like to feel that I am on a horse, and not in an arm-chair. '

    Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour Robert Smith Surtees 1833

  • "She said there was something very human about trees, that she had often watched them tewing with a great wind, tossing and fretting, but very seldom giving way to it.

    The Measure of a Man Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr 1875


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