
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of thematic.


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  • This mismatch between the conventional dramatic proprieties and SF's extreme, grotesque, or visionary thematics is known as the "squid on the mantelpiece."

    Boing Boing: September 29, 2002 - October 5, 2002 Archives 2002

  • Legally, they may be pissing in the wind, and an ethical inversion of thematics is not going to be easy to prove in court, but they’re certainly entitled to kick up a stink.

    Creative Control - Part 4 Hal Duncan 2009

  • Legally, they may be pissing in the wind, and an ethical inversion of thematics is not going to be easy to prove in court, but they’re certainly entitled to kick up a stink.

    Archive 2009-02-01 Hal Duncan 2009

  • The Biblical version of the Flood utterly transforms the thematics of the Sumerian story by combining the roles of Enlil, king of gods, who orders the deluge, and Enki, god of wisdom, who warns the hero of its coming.

    Creative Control - Part 4 Hal Duncan 2009

  • A domestic policy within its thematics (values) excludes the equity of an unmediated (un-proclaimed) subject within the ethico-political domain.

    Equality and the Liberal Democrats… « My Liberal Democrat Political Ramblings… 2009

  • All things being equal, an author shouldn't think too deeply about the thematics of his own book.

    An Interview with Mark Winegardner 2010

  • Newt is an "idea man," they say, without giving specific examples, leaving us on our own to mine the depths of such Gingrich-isms as, "The underlying thematics are beginning to be universalizable in a way that has taken years of work."

    Michael Sigman: In Wacky GOP Presidential Field, the Donald Trumps the Shark Michael Sigman 2011

  • The Biblical version of the Flood utterly transforms the thematics of the Sumerian story by combining the roles of Enlil, king of gods, who orders the deluge, and Enki, god of wisdom, who warns the hero of its coming.

    Archive 2009-02-01 Hal Duncan 2009

  • I will not disparage any newcomers by saying it is a mistake to lean up close to HPL in writing style and thematics, since this really can be good exercise (not to mention great fun).

    Dark Tales : The Lovecraft News Network 2009

  • I will not disparage any newcomers by saying it is a mistake to lean up close to HPL in writing style and thematics, since this really can be good exercise (not to mention great fun).

    Archive 2009-11-01 2009


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