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  • The oddity here is that the British press is all too willing to carry pieces on Indian writing – provided it is in English and not too thornily local.

    India's cultural heritage is being ignored | Aditya Chakrabortty 2011

  • Of course I'm not claiming that Thoreau's book is free of nature reverence, just that the pious tone is often contradicted -- delightfully, thornily -- by moments like his confession that, for all his reasoned vegetarianism, "I could sometimes eat a fried rat with good relish, if it were necessary."

    Canonical Writers 2008

  • Glasgow Govan was correctly given to the SNP, the wafer-thin victory in Cunningham North was reflected in the estimate and the Lib Dem vote isn't as thornily unpredictable as the party often appears.

    Archive 2009-05-01 Jeff 2009

  • Glasgow Govan was correctly given to the SNP, the wafer-thin victory in Cunningham North was reflected in the estimate and the Lib Dem vote isn't as thornily unpredictable as the party often appears.

    Can you predict elections? Jeff 2009

  • From the point of view of an intelligent lay person with some degree of physical intuition, I see physicists pointing to an opaque “Singularity” in one direction and a suspiciosly obtuse and thornily difficult “String Theory” in another direction.

    The String Theory Backlash Sean 2006

  • Some composers write thornily complex scores that look expremely impressive on paper.

    The String Theory Backlash Sean 2006

  • Of course I'm not claiming that Thoreau's book is free of nature reverence, just that the pious tone is often contradicted — delightfully, thornily — by moments like his confession that, for all his reasoned vegetarianism, "I could sometimes eat a fried rat with good relish, if it were necessary."

    Philocrites: August 2004 Archives 2004

  • Of course I'm not claiming that Thoreau's book is free of nature reverence, just that the pious tone is often contradicted — delightfully, thornily — by moments like his confession that, for all his reasoned vegetarianism, "I could sometimes eat a fried rat with good relish, if it were necessary."

    Philocrites: Against 'St. Francis of Concord.' 2004

  • For the bulge of the breast is steep, and ribbed with hoops coming up in denial, concrete with chalk, muricated with flint, and thornily crested with good stout furze.

    Springhaven Richard Doddridge 2004

  • Almost deserted, but for a solitary fisherman in a small boat close under the shadow of the bridge; a comfortable, squarely-built fisherman stripped to shirt and hose, and bristling thornily with black curls and black bush of beard.

    St. Peter's Fair Peters, Ellis, 1913- 1981


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