thunder-squall love


from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A squall of wind accompanied by thunder.


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  • As yet the din and hubbub was that made by men, but their shrill pipings were suddenly silenced by the crashing voice of a thunder-squall that burst right over our heads.

    Stories of Authors, British and American Edwin Watts Chubb 1912

  • When he awoke, it was to see fishing-boats running into harbour under bare poles amid the hubbub of a thunder-squall.

    Shelley Sydney Waterlow 1911

  • Upon the second fortnight of this life Quadratilla broke like a thunder-squall.

    Roads from Rome 1901

  • When morning dawned they were again becalmed; but the sky was overcast, and it was evident that a heavy thunder-squall was working up from the eastward, and

    The Missing Merchantman Harry Collingwood 1886

  • Ella was very penitent for her late "naughtiness," as she termed it, and was so lavish with her endearments, to make up for it, that I would very willingly have experienced such a "thunder-squall" every day of my life to have the air cleared afterwards in so agreeable a manner.

    For Treasure Bound Harry Collingwood 1886

  • Is it merely a thunder-squall that has been brewing all this time, or what is it?

    The Pirate Slaver A Story of the West African Coast Harry Collingwood 1886

  • There was no barometer aboard the felucca, so I had nothing to guide me to the meaning of the weather portents, but I was convinced that something out of the common -- something more than a mere thunder-squall -- was brewing; and, if so, I should probably have my hands full in taking care of the felucca, with nobody to help me.

    A Pirate of the Caribbees Harry Collingwood 1886

  • Fully convinced, therefore, that something rather more serious than a mere thunder-squall was brewing, we now went to work with a will, and, having first furled the mizzen, hauled up the courses and stowed them, leaving the ship with nothing showing but her two topsails and the fore-topmast staysail, which -- as our topsails were patent-reefing -- left us practically prepared for almost anything that might happen.

    The Cruise of the "Esmeralda" Harry Collingwood 1886

  • I should have expected nothing worse than a fresh breeze from the westward, preceded perhaps by a thunder-squall; but the barometer indicated something more serious than that, yet the sky gave no verifying sign of the approach of anything like a heavy blow.

    The Log of a Privateersman Harry Collingwood 1886

  • The barometer, too, exhibited a tendency to fall; but the decline was so slight that I was of opinion it meant no more than perhaps a sharp thunder-squall, particularly as there was no swell making; moreover there was a close, thundery feeling in the stagnating air, which increased as the day grew older.

    The Log of a Privateersman Harry Collingwood 1886


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