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  • The chronometer, which is merely the least imperfect time-piece man has devised, makes possible the surest and easiest method by far of ascertaining longitude.


  • Having completed them to my satisfaction, I again looked toward the time-piece, and was half inclined to believe in the possibility of odd accidents when I found that, instead of my ordinary fifteen or twenty minutes, I had been dozing only three; for it still wanted seven and twenty of the appointed hour.

    Archive 2008-12-01 2008

  • However, if a musician typically uses simple drumming as a time-piece to music, but then switches to afro-centric drumming while singing about images of rape, drug use, murder, etc (I use these examples as the stereotypical "boogeyman" for racism against black people), then yes, the context of those drums could very well be considered covertly racist.

    TN-SEN: Corker Radio Ad Has "Jungle Drums" During Mentions Of Ford 2009

  • Scheduled appointments have no meaning on a Venezuelan time-piece; you're left languishing in a (hopefully) air-conditioned reception for possibly hours on end to be allowed to enter the hallowed precincts of said executive's office although the appointment made by the gorgeous Miss Venezuela secretary out front may (officially) have been hours ago.

    "Promises" ... with inverted commas! 2008

  • The accuracy and precision of Mr. Lacy, in all of his course of life in the past, is well-symbolized by this time-piece, which is so located as to guide and regulate in Dryden village the affairs of men in the future.

    Living in Dryden: John C. Lacy 2004

  • The accuracy and precision of Mr. Lacy, in all of his course of life in the past, is well-symbolized by this time-piece, which is so located as to guide and regulate in Dryden village the affairs of men in the future.

    Living in Dryden: March 2004 Archives 2004

  • If you start now, you might get every time-piece around your house set one hour ahead by 2 a.m. Sunday.

    CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2005 2005

  • Reason tells me that plan and order, meaning and goal exist, that a time-piece does not come into being by accident, even less so the living organism that is a plant, an animal, or, above all, man.

    Catholic Cardinal steps up anti-Darwin campaign Denyse O 2005

  • And more than once he had glanced at the time-piece, not to hurry me, but as if he dreaded its announcements.

    Erema Richard Doddridge 2004

  • For the first time for seven years or more the pain forgot the time-piece.

    Erema Richard Doddridge 2004


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