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  • Burke Suitt, a brain surgeon at Duke, who concluded that the most effective operation would be not a lobotomy but a topectomy, which involved the removal of “a small amount of tissue on either side of the front part of the brain surface.”

    Into the Story DAVID MARANISS 2010

  • Burke Suitt, a brain surgeon at Duke, who concluded that the most effective operation would be not a lobotomy but a topectomy, which involved the removal of “a small amount of tissue on either side of the front part of the brain surface.”

    Into the Story DAVID MARANISS 2010

  • Burke Suitt, a brain surgeon at Duke, who concluded that the most effective operation would be not a lobotomy but a topectomy, which involved the removal of “a small amount of tissue on either side of the front part of the brain surface.”

    Into the Story DAVID MARANISS 2010

  • Burke Suitt, a brain surgeon at Duke, who concluded that the most effective operation would be not a lobotomy but a topectomy, which involved the removal of “a small amount of tissue on either side of the front part of the brain surface.”

    Into the Story DAVID MARANISS 2010


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