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  • In addition to the publicity, textbook and trade-journal writing that comprised part of my jobs I started on fiction in 1936.

    Antiquarian Weird Tales: L Sprague de Camp (1950) Chris Perridas 2008

  • In addition to the publicity, textbook and trade-journal writing that comprised part of my jobs I started on fiction in 1936.

    Archive 2008-08-01 Chris Perridas 2008

  • As he read annual reports and trade-journal articles, he searched for specific needs or niches he might uniquely fill.

    Why Your Resume Taunee Besson 2008

  • She was on her way into the bedroom, hoping to find something among Locke's many books, when she stuck her hands in her pockets and felt the brittle clump of the trade-journal pages she'd pulled from the kindling box.

    Kate Armstrong, Patricia 1995

  • The McAllister Street cable-car, packed to its last inch, throbbed upon its way so jerkily that Susan, who was wedged in close to the glass shield at the front of the car, had sometimes to cling to the seat with knees and finger-tips to keep from sliding against her neighbor, a young man deep in a trade-journal, and sometimes to brace herself to withstand his helpless sliding against her.

    Saturday's Child Kathleen Thompson Norris 1923

  • They were as special as a trade-journal -- far more so, indeed, for the _Boot and Shoe News_ prints occasional reviews of books, and some admirable stories may be found within its pages side by side with notes on "Burnishers" and stitching-machines.

    The Tyranny of the Dark Hamlin Garland 1900


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