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  • "Although no single vendor has completely integrated a full supply chain ex - ecution suite of products," he reports, "a DC can signi fi cantly improve op - erational performance by using products from a vendor that has broadened its SCE [single connection emulation] offering in areas such as transporta - tion management execution, yard management, labor management, and value-added service."

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows Batjaa_sh 2009

  • “Style Wars” é um documentário clássico de Henry Chalfant e Tony Silver produzido em 1984 e que nos transporta para as raízes do graffiti e da vida urbana na Nova Iorque dos anos 80.

    Style Wars Red 2009

  • “Style Wars” é um documentário clássico de Henry Chalfant e Tony Silver produzido em 1984 e que nos transporta para as raízes do graffiti e da vida urbana na Nova Iorque dos anos 80.

    Archive 2009-02-01 Red 2009

  • Atlanta's subway system, which will be open 24 hours, is the key transporta - tion link at the Games.

    Is Atlanta Ready Yet? 2008

  • Yah, how cum ebery time sumfin rly bad oar suspishuss happns, Kirk is first to teh transporta room?

    OMG!!! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger? 2008

  • Deci VNMs trebuie să prelucreze o sursă de combustibil pe care le pot transporta cu ei: hidrogen, uraniu, sau alte forme necunoscute pînă acum de materie care pot fi convertite in energie. »2007» martie 2007

  • I've posted a link to this page on the compuserve books and writers forum because, well, long story... one of our favourite characters in one of our favourite books once had to transporta load of bat guano around the Caribbean...

    What'll it be? AYDIN 2007

  • O filme transporta a realidade do século XIX para a guerra do Vientname.

    Charlie Don't Surf Artur 2005

  • Cada canción que escucho me transporta a un estado lúdico tan transparente, en el cual me veo fundida con cada uno de los acordes, me consumo con ellos, me convierto en ellos.

    cruda Diary Entry cruda 2005

  • Isolated attempts can and are being made to resolve such problems as transporta tion, traffic congestion, water pollution, air pollution and inadequate housing.

    Urbanism and the Canadian Promise 1966


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