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  • adjective transuranic


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  • In attempts to make transuranium elements, i.e., elements with a higher atomic number than 92 (uranium), by radiating uranium atoms with neutrons, Hahn discovered that one of the products was barium, a lighter element.

    The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry 2010

  • Chemistry in 1951 for "discoveries in the chemistry of transuranium elements".

    The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry 2010

  • Ernest O. Lawrence (1901–58) invented the cyclotron, a device for accelerating atomic particles, which has become the fundamental research tool in high-energy physics and has made possible the creation of transuranium elements.

    1930 2001

  • And then our memories will decay, like the heavier transuranium elements, and we will find ourselves divorced from other people and living in big houses with interlocking pavement stones, room deodorizers, and genuine ten-karat gold faucets.

    Shampoo Planet Coupland, Douglas 1992

  • Research into the reactions thus produced has, however, met with certain difficulties, and it took longer than was expected for the existence of the transuranium elements to be proved.

    Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1951 - Presentation Speech 1964

  • The first transuranium element of which there was definite proof was produced by McMillan and Abelson in May 1940 at the University of

    Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1951 - Presentation Speech 1964

  • The Swedish Academy of Sciences is of the opinion that these discoveries in the realm of the chemistry of the transuranium elements, of which I have here tried to give a brief account, are of such importance that McMillan and Seaborg have together earned the 1951 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

    Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1951 - Presentation Speech 1964

  • The Americans were able to investigate this thoroughly, and showed that it forms an isotope of element 93, that is to say, a transuranium element.

    Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1951 - Presentation Speech 1964

  • By analogy with the way in which names had been found for neptunium and uranium, this second transuranium element was called plutonium, after the planet Pluto, which has its orbit next outside that of Neptune.

    Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1951 - Presentation Speech 1964

  • Not less than four more transuranium elements have been produced.

    Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1951 - Presentation Speech 1964


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