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  • Many horses were broken, and some men, but I lived at the last to the day when, at the changing of camp-sites in the pursuit of the meat in its seasons, our very babes, in baskets of willow-withes, were slung side and side on the backs of our horses that carried our camp - trappage and dunnage.

    Chapter 21 2010

  • Either go the trappage route, or get yourself a Rat Terrier.

    High Concept Week Interlude: Rats! David Campbell 2007

  • And finger trappage only happens about twice a week now which is a relief.

    A-Level results....what A-level results? Huh? Where am I? onlyemma 2003

  • Many horses were broken, and some men, but I lived at the last to the day when, at the changing of campsites in the pursuit of the meat in its seasons, our very babes, in baskets of willow withes, were slung side by side on the backs of our horses that carried our camp trappage and dunnage.

    Chapter 21 1915

  • Many horses were broken, and some men, but I lived at the last to the day when, at the changing of camp-sites in the pursuit of the meat in its seasons, our very babes, in baskets of willow-withes, were slung side and side on the backs of our horses that carried our camp-trappage and dunnage.

    The Jacket (Star-Rover) Jack London 1896


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