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  • If you are familiar with downtown Philly, you can probably recognize the streets around Chestnut St. fışkıran su: fountain spraying water; trene inen merdiven: stairs to the train; köşede restaurant: restaurant in the corner; pazar da açık: open also on Sundays.

    It was 30 years ago today AYDIN 2009

  • If you are familiar with downtown Philly, you can probably recognize the streets around Chestnut St. fışkıran su: fountain spraying water; trene inen merdiven: stairs to the train; köşede restaurant: restaurant in the corner; pazar da açık: open also on Sundays.

    Archive 2009-08-01 AYDIN 2009

  • I dag skal jeg hvile før min store eksamen i morgen, trene og kose meg i solen: -) @simonpegg (Simon Pegg, britisk skuespiller)

    VG RSS 2010


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