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  • The full philosophical import of his Reduction Thesis, and the philosophical importance of his triadism insofar as this triadism rests on his Reduction Thesis, cannot be ascertained without a prior understanding of his non-typical theory of identity and his special view of the fundamental nature of the relative product operation.

    Nobody Knows Nothing 2009

  • If Peirce had a general rationale for his triadism, Peirce scholars have not yet made it abundantly clear what this rationale might be.

    Nobody Knows Nothing 2009

  • He seemed to base his triadism on what he called “phaneroscopy,” by which word he meant the mere observation of phenomenal appearances.

    Nobody Knows Nothing 2009

  • God; polytheism: especially levelled at the Hindu triadism, Guebre dualism and Christian Trinitarianism.

    The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night 2006


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