
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adverb In a trickling way.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

trickling +‎ -ly


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  • The _skein_ and _coil_ are the lark's song, which from his height gives the impression of some - thing falling to the earth and not vertically quite but tricklingly or wavingly, something as a skein of silk ribbed by having been tightly wound on a narrow card or

    Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins Now First Published Gerard Manley Hopkins 1866

  • The header from the brown rock from whose sides wave the cool, green tresses of the sea! off, with a whoop, and hands above your head, as the sun pats tricklingly your back! off, with a spring, down head first through the deliciously cool, clear, bracing water, that effervesces about you in bubbles of sport.

    Captain Mugford Our Salt and Fresh Water Tutors William Henry Giles Kingston 1847

  • The skein and coil are the lark’s song, which from his height gives the impression of something falling to the earth and not vertically quite but tricklingly or wavingly, something as a skein of silk ribbed by having been tightly wound on a narrow card or a notched holder or as twine or fishing-tackle unwinding from a reel or winch or as pearls strung on a horsehair: the laps or folds are the notes or short measures and bars of them.

    Notes 1918


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