
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Triparted; tripartite.


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  • We have it from Saint Dionysius that the universe of beings is divided into the highest, the middle, and the lowest with respect to the disposition of its order; its tripart division being capable of even greater distinction in relation to the most general modes and grades of beings.

    Dietrich of Freiberg Führer, Markus 2009

  • Childhood in America used to have a tripart support system: home, church and school.

    Uneasy Days For Schools 2008

  • They don't get that Palin could be the return of the Reagan Revolution - the tripart platform of small government, strong national defense, and social conservatism Bush abandonded the small government part of it.

    "I'm the freaking Governor of Alaska. I didn't get there by just eating mooseburgers and popping out kids." Ann Althouse 2008

  • They don't get that Palin could be the return of the Reagan Revolution - the tripart platform of small government, strong national defense, and social conservatism Bush abandonded the small government part of it.

    "I'm the freaking Governor of Alaska. I didn't get there by just eating mooseburgers and popping out kids." Ann Althouse 2008

  • They don't get that Palin could be the return of the Reagan Revolution - the tripart platform of small government, strong national defense, and social conservatism Bush abandonded the small government part of it.

    "I'm the freaking Governor of Alaska. I didn't get there by just eating mooseburgers and popping out kids." Ann Althouse 2008

  • Two and a quarter years into ANC rule, the citizens are under criminal and economic siege, while its tripart alliance remains at loggerheads as to the way forward.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1996

  • And eerily like the trilithons on Tilrattin Island, in the center rose the tripart bulk of what Joanna recognized from articles as an experimental fiber-optic superconductor Cray Three, undoubtedly the one which was rumored to have dropped out of sight early in the year from the Alta Clara Research labs -- harder to steal than the 250-odd microcomputers necessary to make up a parallel-process Cube, but far easier to program.

    The Silicon Mage Hambly, Barbara 1988

  • It's nice to see that at least one guvernment has the balls to take on the tripart

    The Truth About Cars 2008


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