
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun organic chemistry THAM


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Shortening of tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane.


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  • One of the most common buffers used in molecular and cell biology labs is "Tris," short for a base called tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane.

    ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science Abel Pharmboy 2010

  • Ahn, an assistant professor of chemistry, is testing compounds called tris-benzamides.

    UT Dallas News Center 2010

  • One buckyball variation, called the "tris" configuration, had three molecular branches off the main structure on one hemisphere; another variation, called the "hexa" configuration, had six branches off the main structure in a roughly symmetrical arrangement; the last type was a plain buckyball. - latest science and technology news stories 2010

  • One buckyball variation, called the "tris" configuration, had three molecular branches off the main structure on one hemisphere; another variation, called the "hexa" configuration, had six branches off the main structure in a roughly symmetrical arrangement; the last type was a plain buckyball. - latest science and technology news stories 2010

  • One buckyball variation, called the "tris" configuration, had three molecular branches off the main structure on one hemisphere; another variation, called the "hexa" configuration, had six branches off the main structure in a roughly symmetrical arrangement; the last type was a plain buckyball. - latest science and technology news stories 2010

  • One buckyball variation, called the "tris" configuration, had three molecular branches off the main structure on one hemisphere; another variation, called the "hexa" configuration, had six branches off the main structure in a roughly symmetrical arrangement; the last type was a plain buckyball.

    innovations-report 2010

  • One buckyball variation, called the "tris" configuration, had three molecular branches off the main structure on one hemisphere; another variation, called the "hexa" configuration, had six branches off the main structure in a roughly symmetrical arrangement; the last type was a plain buckyball. - latest science and technology news stories 2010

  • In order to comply with California's strict standards, furniture foam is now treated with alternative flame retardants such as tris (1,3-dichloro-2 - propyl) phosphate (TDCP), which is a probable human carcinogen, and Firemaster 550, which is suspected of being toxic but has not been tested adequately. 2008

  • These included the first ban on bisphenol-A in receipt paper (Connecticut), the first requirement of children's product manufacturers to report what toxic chemicals are present in their products (Washington) and the first state ban on carcinogenic tris flame retardant in children's products (New York).

    Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff: Push a Stroller; Change the World Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff 2011

  • Completa il tris, manco the dirlo, il formidabile defensive plunge into di Nebraska Ndamukong Suh, assoluto dominatore delle linee.

    Rites of Autumn Blog Archive College Football Awards: i finalisti. admin 2009


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