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  • Those who held this view belonged to the old, patriarchal class, the still flourishing remnant of the last generation, who prided themselves upon good management, good morals, and ascetic living; the class of people in whose marriage-contracts it was stipulated that the wife was to have meat twice a-day, excepting on fast days, a drive -- the _trottata_, as it used to be called -- daily, and two new gowns every year.

    Saracinesca 1881

  • She laughed merrily at the provisions of the marriage contract, which even went so far as to stipulate that she was to have at least two dishes of meat at dinner, and an equivalent on fast-days, a drive every day -- the traditional trottata -- two new gowns every year, and a woman to wait upon her.

    Sant' Ilario 1881

  • Can you harness sentiment in a carriage and make it execute a trottata in the Villa Borghese?

    Sant' Ilario 1881

  • The old-fashioned Roman character is careful, if not avaricious, with occasional flashes of astonishing extravagance, and its idea of riches is so closely associated with that of power as to make the display of a numerous retinue its first and most congenial means of exhibiting great wealth; so that to this day a Roman in reduced fortune will live very poorly before he will consent to exist without the two or three superfluous footmen who loiter all day in his hall, or the handsome equipage in which his wife and daughters are accustomed to take the daily drive, called from ancient times the 'trottata,' or 'trot,' in the

    Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 1 Studies from the Chronicles of Rome 1881


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