
from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective Destitute of turf.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Without turf.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

turf +‎ -less


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  • Neighbors may also have been put off by Parisi's turfless and muddy pig plot, or by visits from Myrtle and Merrill, who on two occasions burrowed under the fence to check out life on the other side.

    Pigs in Takoma Park highlight rise in suburban livestock 2010

  • Neighbors may also have been put off by Parisi's turfless and muddy pig plot, or by visits from Myrtle and Merrill, who on two occasions burrowed under the fence to check out life on the other side.

    Pigs in Takoma Park highlight rise in suburban livestock 2010

  • Issuing from the Bad Lands the jaded column had been plodding all day long, though with frequent enforced rests, through a rolling sea of barren, turfless earth.

    Under Fire Charles King 1888

  • Could you have contrasted with them the homeless, shelterless, pencil-borrowing, elbow-scratching, musty, fusty tatterdemalions who stretched out on the turfless ground beside their mess fires to extort or answer those cautious or incautious missives, or who for the fortieth time drew them from hiding to reread into their guarded or unguarded lines meanings never dreamed by their writers, you could not have laughed without a feeling of tears, or felt the tears without smiling.

    Kincaid's Battery George Washington Cable 1884

  • A bronze plaque commemorates "the nameless, faceless, turfless Africans ... who either met with fatal treachery, and were therefore buried quickly and secretly, or were buried hastily and at random because of yellow fever and other plagues".

    The Guardian World News Catherine Shoard 2011

  • The well-wooded and humid hills are turned to ridges of dry rock, which encumbers the low grounds and chokes the watercourses with its debris, and — except in countries favored with an equable distribution of rain through the seasons, and a moderate and regular inclination of surface — the whole earth, unless rescued by human art from the physical degradation to which it tends, becomes an assemblage of bald mountains, of barren, turfless hills, and of swampy and malarious plains.

    Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 01 (historical) 1874

  • The well-wooded and humid hills are turned to ridges of dry rock, which encumbers the low grounds and chokes the watercourses with its debris, and -- except in countries favored with an equable distribution of rain through the seasons, and a moderate and regular inclination of surface -- the whole earth, unless rescued by human art from the physical degradation to which it tends, becomes an assemblage of bald mountains, of barren, turfless hills, and of swampy and malarious plains.

    The Earth as Modified by Human Action George P. Marsh 1841


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