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  • Mr. DON GODDARD (Former Radio Newscaster, NBC): Well, we're going to get off the air here very shortly, because we have the story told now, the B-25, two-engined Army bomber crashing into the Empire State Building just a few minutes before 10 o'clock.

    The Day A Bomber Hit The Empire State Building 2008

  • Bound the bend, whistling its loudest, came the train, a splendid two-engined thing of twelve passenger coaches, travelling at top speed on the favouring grade.

    Seven Pillars of Wisdom Thomas Edward 2003

  • A small two-engined machine appeared above the hills and began a large circle.

    The Japanese Corpse Van de Wetering, Janwillem, 1931- 1977

  • The great road winding over it bore the mark of the convicts, and other traces of their solid workmanship were to be found in occasional buildings within a radius of twenty miles; but their day had passed as that of the bullock-dray and mail-coach, superseded by the haughty "passenger-mail" and giant two-engined "goods" trains, -- while for quicker communication with the city than these afforded, the West depended upon the telegraph wires.

    Some Everyday Folk and Dawn Miles Franklin 1916

  • Mr Kaczyński liked it because its three engines made it faster than the modern, Western-built two-engined plans favoured by other European leaders.

    The Economist: Correspondent's diary 2010


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