
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Not deposited.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

un- +‎ deposited


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  • My errand will remain undone for another day, milk stockpiling and likely to go to waste in the fridge for a lack of freezer bags, check undeposited.

    Archive 2009-05-01 kittenpie 2009

  • So it'd been sitting on this agent's desk for 6 months, undeposited, and one would assume, the money not sent to the client.

    Agents: Also Human 2010

  • My errand will remain undone for another day, milk stockpiling and likely to go to waste in the fridge for a lack of freezer bags, check undeposited.

    Stockholm Syndrome Would Be Welcome kittenpie 2009

  • Bankruptcy Court in Jacksonville, Fla., to lift the Bankruptcy Code's automatic-stay provision to force the lender to turn over all records, tapes and undeposited funds related to servicing the loans.

    FDIC Says Taylor Bean Is Holding Homeowners 'Hostage' 2009

  • This collecting of a check, therefore, for these as yet undeposited certificates would be technically, if not legally and morally, plausible.

    The Financier 2004

  • This collecting of a check, therefore, for these as yet undeposited certificates would be technically, if not legally and morally, plausible.

    The Financier, a novel Theodore Dreiser 1908

  • It still remains to determine any copper left undeposited in the solution.

    A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines. Cornelius Beringer 1886

  • In order to save money, city offices are closed, but since they haven't completed processing the residential parking permits, uncalculated amounts are being lost in undeposited permit fees and uncollected ticket fines.

    The Berkeley Daily Planet, The East Bay's Independent Newspaper 2010

  • Utility problems are nothing new for the county, where dozens of undeposited utility checks discovered in a late 2008 audit led to a great unraveling of deep-seated utility issues, the result of years 'worth of mismanagement of the department.

    News for Richmond Times-Dispatch Richmond Times-Dispatch 2010

  • Utility problems are nothing new for the county, where dozens of undeposited utility checks discovered in a late 2008 audit led to a great unraveling of deep-seated utility issues, the result of years 'worth of mismanagement of the department.

    News for Richmond Times-Dispatch Richmond Times-Dispatch 2010


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