
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun One who undercuts, or a tool or machine used in undercutting.
  • noun Specifically, a machine driven by power, either electrically or by compressed air, for mining or quarrying, by which an undercut or channel below the ore-body can be made.
  • noun A skilled woodsman who chops the undercut in trees so that they shall fall in the proper direction.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun One who, or that which, undercuts.
  • noun A type of plough.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

undercut +‎ -er


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  • Suits made by hand on Savile Row can take eight to 10 weeks to make and involve multiple workers: a cutter; an undercutter; a coatmaker; a trousermaker; a vestmaker; a coat finisher; a trouser finisher; a presser; "and someone to sew buttons on," said

    Rogue Tailor Needles Savile Row, Gets Himself a (Law)Suit 2010

  • I operated a switch undercutter, imagine a chainsaw blade laid on its side that's ten feet long.

    Pigs on the Wing 2009

  • I also recently ran into Donnie Seale at a charity game with the "Harlem Rockets"; you'll recall he was a NC school-boy star (one of many who thought I was a dirty undercutter and slow-footed menace) and NC State player who also torched Carolina well in one specifically memorable game.

    fear the turtle 2006


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