underutilizing love


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  • verb Present participle of underutilize.


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  • LISCOVICZ: So basically, your gist is that we're underutilizing, that is the industry is underutilizing ways where it can tap into oil like for instance, old wells.

    CNN Transcript Dec 17, 2005 2005

  • I understand the case for people rationing their healthcare appropriately, but there is a real human cost to people underutilizing the healthcare system too.

    Finkelstein on Health Insurance, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty 2009

  • By not incorporating aesthetics into the infrastructure of a nonprofit agency, leadership is 100 percent underutilizing a tool that will create strong, emotional, and valuable relationships to their agency's mission.

    Dylan Kendall: Creating a Well-Packaged Nonprofit Dylan Kendall 2011

  • Easter Islanders, by contrast, "seemed to be underutilizing the island"—a contrast that "was all the more perplexing given the enormous amount of effort they had apparently put into making their massive statues and stone plinths."

    Don't Blame the Natives Charles C. Mann 2011

  • By not incorporating aesthetics into the infrastructure of a nonprofit agency, leadership is 100 percent underutilizing a tool that will create strong, emotional, and valuable relationships to their agency's mission.

    Dylan Kendall: Creating a Well-Packaged Nonprofit Dylan Kendall 2011

  • Unemployment is now around 10% – we are drastically underutilizing our human capital.

    Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Economic Alchemy 2010

  • Parents expressed concern about the “dark side of the internet,” but also felt that school districts were underutilizing the internet as a resource, “remaining in a very traditional kind of textbook mindset, and ... not really supporting students to use the internet.”

    October 2008 2008

  • Parents expressed concern about the “dark side of the internet,” but also felt that school districts were underutilizing the internet as a resource, “remaining in a very traditional kind of textbook mindset, and ... not really supporting students to use the internet.”

    2008 IASL Conference -2 2008

  • As of yet, both the US and Pakistan are underutilizing a valuable resource in that effort.

    Hedieh Mirahmadi: The Global Village of Terrorism Hedieh Mirahmadi 2010

  • Formidable battles have been taking place between the Nabucco and South Stream backers to sign supply agreements, not only to guarantee that the much needed gas will be made available - as underutilizing the pipelines is not a viable option - but also to secure a political and financial will for the projects.

    The Great Geopolitical Battle Over Energy Transit Routes 2009


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