
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun The soft woolly undercoat of certain animals, especially sheep.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The short, wooly underfur of certain animals, especially sheep.


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  • Pronounced kiv-ee-ute, qiviut is an Inuit word for down or underwool.

    Yearn Worthy Yarn: Qiviut 2008

  • You can also buy finely-knit scarves, sweaters, mitts and toques made from qiviut, the soft underwool of muskox.

    Tourist Souvenirs Draw On Sexual Energy Christopher 2007

  • You can also buy finely-knit scarves, sweaters, mitts and toques made from qiviut, the soft underwool of muskox.

    Archive 2007-10-01 Christopher 2007

  • The fur is coarse, spiny, and slippery, and has no underwool.

    15 Agouti 1991

  • Though much of the warm, dense, amazingly silky-soft underwool had been shed earlier in the summer, the next year's growth had already started, and was lighter in color than the fluffy, though coarser, wind-breaking overlayer, and gave it depth and highlights.

    The Plains of Passage Auel, Jean M. 1990

  • Though their underwool was shed in summer, musk-oxen became stressed if the weather turned too warm.

    The Plains of Passage Auel, Jean M. 1990

  • She also noticed headbands and belts, and across the shoulders of the girl, a cape with fascinating designs that were worked into a material which appeared to have been constructed out of strands of the underwool shed by the passing woolly beasts.

    The Mammoth Hunters Auel, Jean M. 1985

  • As chance provided, the white wool of mouflon which was shed naturally by the wild sheep in spring, the unbelievably soft earthy-brown downy wool of musk-ox, and the lighter red rhinoceros underwool were also gathered with great enthusiasm.

    The Mammoth Hunters Auel, Jean M. 1985

  • A sighting of the enormous, unpredictable rhinos, with two horns, the front one long and low-slung, and two coats of reddish fur, a soft downy underwool and an outer layer of long guard hair, always brought exclamations of wonder.

    The Mammoth Hunters Auel, Jean M. 1985

  • Amritsar carpets are made of _pashm_, the fine underwool of the Tibetan sheep, and _pashmína_ is also used as a material for _choghas_

    The Panjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir James McCrone Douie 1894


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