
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Not provided or fitted with a fuse, as a mine or a bomb.
  • Not fused; not melted.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Not fused; distinct
  • adjective Lacking a fuse


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

un- +‎ fused


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  • This sample is composed of immature infants (one to three years old), children (three to 12 years old; figure 1 shows the frontal bone of a child with the sutura frontalis unfused, which is usually fused before it becomes eight years of age), young adults (20 to 35 years old), and middle-aged adults (35 to 50 years old).

    Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Biological Anthropology Report 1 2003

  • The cells of the brain remain material and the phenomenon of consciousness remains immaterial and they are still as remote from one another and as "unfused" as if consciousness were outside of time and space altogether.

    The Complex Vision John Cowper Powys 1917

  • How about the plot being a Big Daddy searching for a way to be 'unfused' from his suit?

    Computer And Video Games 2009

  • Pie charts show the fraction of accumulating and non-accumulating compounds in the training set with each of the five bottom-scoring non-overlapping fragments. c-f) Clustergrams of compounds containing the 'unfused' biaryl scaffold (

    Naturejobs - All Jobs 2010

  • Well, because we went upstairs in The Evolution Store and there was an entire glass case of human skeletons, from an adult, to children, and right on down to a fetus, with the skull still noticeably unfused.

    DAYS 52-55: “Mommy! I’m Scared!” 2010

  • The upper palate was broad, its intersecting sutures largely unfused.

    Spider Bones Kathy Reichs 2010

  • She touched him as though he was a bomb unfused, and likely to explode.

    Final Resting Place of The Pen 2010

  • Humans are born totally helpless, with bones not fully calcified, their skulls unfused, their brains not yet fully functional.

    New findings about the Hobbit - The Panda's Thumb 2010

  • Humans are born totally helpless, with bones not fully calcified, their skulls unfused, their brains not yet fully functional.

    New findings about the Hobbit - The Panda's Thumb 2010

  • And those who think that lineages with fused and unfused versions arose from independent origin-of-life events are free to argue in favor of that without basing it on any arguments against evolution.

    Evolution Videos and More - The Panda's Thumb 2009


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