
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Not hilarious; devoid of hilarity.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

un- +‎ hilarious


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  • Nobody laughs like that unless they're laughing sarcastically, the window display is full of unhilarious novelties like a plastic dragon and what seems to be a model of someone from KISS, and the shop itself is wearing a comedy Groucho Marx disguise, which at best is only a funny thing to wear if you also imitate Groucho Marx at the same time.

    August 14th, 2005 amuchmoreexotic 2005

  • The jungle still hummed busily, yet, it seemed, a bit mournfully as if preparing for production and unhilarious with the task before it, like a woman first learning of her pregnancy.

    Zone Policeman 88; a close range study of the Panama canal and its workers Harry Alverson Franck 1921

  • He had gone for that promised tour in Switzerland, at his mother's instigation, and was only to come back late in the year to keep his twenty-first birthday, which was to be honoured in a very subdued and unhilarious fashion at

    Vixen, Volume I. 1875

  • The trailer for the uber-British comedy “Three And Out” seems a bit out of place without Don LaFontaine’s booming, winky “comedy” voice, strategic record scratches, and never-unhilarious nutshots — the three essentials of any American movie trailer worth its salt.

    TRAILER MIX: Gareth Keenan Steals Bond’s Lady In The Britishest Movie Of The Year | Best Week Ever 2008

  • Perhaps because this year’s finalists were actually literate, making their Cover Girl commercials surprisingly unhilarious.

    America’s Next Top Model: Melrose Place Is Cancelled | Best Week Ever 2006


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