
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Not holed; not pierced with a hole or puncture.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

un- +‎ holed


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  • Ratatouille is successfully launched, but yet another major animated feature is on its way, and Rupert's movie studio is leaving no donut unholed:

    One More Big Summer Toon Opening Steve Hulett 2007

  • And my darling Jane unholed a lovely place for me to mug.

    babycartercl Diary Entry babycartercl 2007

  • He patted himself, as if to prove he was still whole and unholed.

    The Guns Of The South Turtledove, Harry 1960

  • He lets the last one, Kay, live because, now that his clothes have been pounded by bullets when the decoy was shot, he needs new duds, preferably unholed.

    Benevolent Misanthropy 2008


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