uninformatively love



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  • adverb in an uninformative manner


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  • "There always activity among my people, " he responded truthfully-and uninformatively.

    Drowning World Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 2003

  • "There always activity among my people, " he responded truthfully-and uninformatively.

    Drowning World Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 2003

  • It focuses on two recent tax breaks -- including the uninformatively named "Single Sales Factor Formula" -- and lays out five high-profile cases in which tax breaks and subsidies were used to entice or keep specific companies: Diamond-Star in 1985 ($249 million), Sears in 1989 ($178 million),

    Chicago Reader 2010

  • They also argued, long and uninformatively, about sports presenters 'wages.

    Home | Mail Online 2010

  • The Girl With Fire In Her Eyes is the first volume, and apparently the spectacularly uninformatively-named

    Anime Nano! 2010

  • The Girl With Fire In Her Eyes is the first volume, and apparently the spectacularly uninformatively-named

    Anime Nano! 2010

  • The problem with the alchemists had wasn't that they failed to turn lead into gold; the problem was that they failed uninformatively.

    SeekingAlpha.com: Home Page 2010

  • (i) in terms of the more familiar and now largely discredited analytic-synthetic distinction, and also (ii) as reducible to an epistemic distinction between uninformatively or trivially true a priori judgments and informative judgments.

    Kant's Theory of Judgment Hanna, Robert 2009


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