
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Not presenting any obstacle; not obstructive, in any sense.


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  • You don't need MooTools for this, unobstructive javascript is harder to debug for someone that has not written the code.

    get elements ID using unobtrusive code 2008

  • Jackson, who has earned a reputation for being difficult not according to artist John Howe, who described him as quiet, un-pushy, unobstructive, willing to listen, but certain of his decisions.

    North and South Magazine – Lauren Quintance - The Hobbit Film News and Information 1999

  • When people want a nice, inconspicuous, unobstructive car for a stealthy and unobstructive mission, they don't go around borrowing Bentley Continentals.

    The Satan Bug MacLean, Alistair 1962

  • When people want a nice, inconspicuous, unobstructive car for a stealthy and unobstructive mission, they don't go around borrowing Bentley Continentals.

    The Satan Bug MacLean, Alistair 1962

  • When people want a nice, inconspicuous, unobstructive car for a stealthy and unobstructive mission, they don't go around borrowing Bentley Continentals.

    The Satan Bug MacLean, Alistair 1962

  • As soon as Mr. Plumb heard of this he declared that the cow-doctor was taking the bread out of his mouth, but Ward told him if that was the case he ought to have another drink, and after having it he became comatose and unobstructive.

    Godfrey Marten, Undergraduate Charles Turley 1904

  • Even those actor-managers who made no secret before the Committee of their contempt for the present operation of the censorship, and their indignation at being handed over to a domestic official as casual servants of a specially disorderly kind, demanded, not the abolition of the institution, but such a reform as might make it consistent with their dignity and unobstructive to their higher artistic aims.

    The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet George Bernard Shaw 1903

  • Hypertrophy may take place in any degree, varying from the mere leathery and overpendulous but unobstructive prepuce to the case recorded by Vidal, in the fifth volume of his

    History of Circumcision from the Earliest Times to the Present Moral and Physical Reasons for its Performance Peter Charles Remondino 1886

  • Bridge could never be made sufficient for the traffic, or unobstructive to the navigation.

    Captains of Industry or, Men of Business Who Did Something Besides Making Money James Parton 1856

  • But how to learn all shortcuts in an unobstructive and efficient way? have certainly noticed the subtle popups with the keyboard shortcut, every time you click a button or menu item.

    PlanetJava 2010


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