
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Not parted.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

un- +‎ parted


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  • Tubes and wires and sensors were stuck to her temples and wrists, and her black hair was shoved back from her face in a haphazard, unparted way that she would have loathed if she could have seen it.

    Paradise Lost Kate Brian 2009

  • Tubes and wires and sensors were stuck to her temples and wrists, and her black hair was shoved back from her face in a haphazard, unparted way that she would have loathed if she could have seen it.

    Paradise Lost Kate Brian 2009

  • When that the lord of the Rhine beheld the fray unparted, the prince dealt his foes many gaping wounds himself through the shining armor rings.

    The Nibelungenlied 2007

  • When his mouth settled onto her unparted lips, they remained motionless with innocence.

    This Calder Sky Janet Dailey 1981

  • When his mouth settled onto her unparted lips, they remained motionless with innocence.

    This Calder Sky Janet Dailey 1981

  • When his mouth settled onto her unparted lips, they remained motionless with innocence.

    This Calder Sky Janet Dailey 1981

  • When his mouth settled onto her unparted lips, they remained motionless with innocence.

    This Calder Sky Janet Dailey 1981

  • It was an old argument between them, the hair on the block of wood, for if one were close enough, looking down in good light, like now, when the early sunshine fell like a curtain by the southern windows, not falling through but making a brightness in the room, the shape of the top of a head with unparted hair swirling loosely away from the center showed clearly.

    The Dollmaker Harriette Arnow 1954

  • But since the soul is a rational soul, by the very same title by which it is an All-Soul, and is called the rational soul, in the sense of being a whole [and so not merely “reasoning locally”], then what is thought of as a part must in reality be no part but the identity of an unparted thing.

    The Six Enneads. Plotinus 1952

  • The truth is that it existed within the Authentic Being but not as applying to it, for Being was still unparted; the potentiality of Number existed and so produced the division within Being, put in travail with multiplicity;

    The Six Enneads. Plotinus 1952


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