
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Alternative spelling of unpolarized.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

un- +‎ polarised


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  • It is important that we should remember that in a world of growing knowledge and developing experience, thought should be kept fluid and unpolarised; and that therefore all political and economic doctrines are to be regarded as provisional and relative only.

    Our Spiritual and Moral Inheritance 1927

  • With Iceland spar, one unpolarised ray of light divides on entering it into two rays of polarised light, by reason of its power of double refraction, and the vibrations are perpendicular to one another in the two emerging rays.

    The Wave Theory of Light Lord Kelvin 1909

  • It is to be remembered that in the production of these effects the only things changed are the sky behind, and the luminous haze in front of the mountains; that these are changed because the light emitted from the sky and from the haze is plane polarised light, and that the light from the snows and from the mountains, being sensibly unpolarised, is not directly affected by the

    Fragments of science, V. 1-2 John Tyndall 1856

  • Now the light of the sky, being polarised, may, as the reader of the foregoing pages knows, be in great part quenched by a Nicol's prism, while the light of a common cloud, being unpolarised, cannot be thus extinguished.

    Fragments of science, V. 1-2 John Tyndall 1856


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