
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Not reverend.
  • Disrespectful; irreverent.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective Not reverend.
  • adjective obsolete Disrespectful; irreverent.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective obsolete Not reverend.
  • adjective obsolete disrespectful; irreverent.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

un- +‎ reverend


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  • She had never before encountered a clergyman so contumacious, so indecent, so unreverend — so upsetting.

    The Last Chronicle of Barset 2004

  • Personally we look forward to an old age of dissipation and indolence and unreverend disrepute.

    Selections from Chapter XXXIX 1927

  • However depressing the thud of earth on the coffin-lid may be, it is music compared to the rattle of gravel and thump of spades which herald a premature and unreverend resurrection, enveloped in clouds of formalin and without benefit of clergy.

    The Unpleasantness At The Belladonna Club Sayers, Dorothy L.Lord Peter 05 1928

  • They looked like a dreadful little Guy Fawkes procession, with that humped and unreverend mannikin bobbing and swaying between them.

    The Unpleasantness At The Belladonna Club Sayers, Dorothy L.Lord Peter 05 1928

  • Personally we look forward to an old age of dissipation and indolence and unreverend disrepute.

    The Almost Perfect State 1921

  • Personally we look forward to an old age of dissipation and indolence and unreverend disrepute.

    The Almost Perfect State 1921

  • And for a moment he bowed his unreverend gray head over her shrivelled fingers.

    The Line of Love Dizain des Mariages James Branch Cabell 1918

  • His voice died into unintelligible mutterings, and his gray unreverend head sank upon the table.

    To Have and to Hold Mary Johnston 1903

  • The bland, elderish, clerical look faded; the face grew strangely young, the right corner of his mouth twisted upward, and his right eyelid drooped in a prodigious, unreverend wink.

    No. 13 Washington Square Leroy Scott 1902

  • Suddenly his mood changed; his eye dropped in its unreverend wink.

    No. 13 Washington Square Leroy Scott 1902


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