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  • noun Plural form of unthrift.


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  • They expel from the hive all idlers and unthrifts.

    The History of Animals 2002

  • Now unthrifts riot and run in debt upon the boldness of these places; yea, and rich men run thither with poor men's goods.

    The Customs of Old England

  • Mother's head was a little turned, at first, by the change and enlargment of the householde ... the acquisition of clerk of the kitchen, surveyor of the dresser, yeoman of the pastrie, etc., but as father laughinglie tolde her, the increase of her cares soon steddied her witts, for she found she had twenty unthrifts to look after insteade of half-a-dozen.

    Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol. 3, July, 1851 Various

  • As unthrifts grieve in straw for their pawned beds,

    Introduction. Grierson, Herbert J.C Herbert J.C. Grierson 1921

  • And if in an alehouse, with the great resort of poor unthrifts, that with swearing at the cards consume their lives,

    A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 6 William Carew Hazlitt 1873

  • [343] "Upstart unthrifts" (_Richard II_.) -- _Halliwell_.

    A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 2 William Carew Hazlitt 1873

  • -- Villains! "cried the terrified lover, unable to endure the menacing aspect of this fearful invader;" I'm Master Anthony, ye sots, ye unthrifts -- your master, is to be; and I-- I'll have ye i 'the stocks for this. "

    Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 2 (of 2) John Roby 1821


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