
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Alternative form of unwritable.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

un- +‎ writeable


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  • But I think that freaking out your reader or writing about the "unwriteable" isn't the same thing as bringing a story alive.

    The "ick" factor Miss Snark 2005

  • I couldn't believe that I could possibly have been so oblivious as to miss the super strong electrician who had snuck into the fuse box inside my body and heaved down on the handle eliciting that unwriteable sound that is made when thirty million gazillion watts of energy are called into action.

    Jennifer and John Lehr: He Said, She Said: What Happens at Yaddo Doesn't Stay at Yaddo 2008

  • How silly to have thought these feelings, these ideas, unbloggable, unwriteable.

    How Far We Have Not Come | Her Bad Mother 2006

  • How silly to have thought these feelings, these ideas, unbloggable, unwriteable.

    How Far We Have Not Come 2006

  • How silly to have thought these feelings, these ideas, unbloggable, unwriteable.

    Archive 2006-08-13 2006

  • Such walking "by faith and not by sight," and that, too, by a faith that was largley instinctive, is a unique chapter in the world's history that is unwritten, unwriteable, and largely unknown.

    Unwritten History 1919

  • I just tried it again with a new install, it finds the folders/files unwriteable and you can not proceed unless those permissions are set. Cpt. Blackbeard 2010

  • I just tried it again with a new install, it finds the folders/files unwriteable and you can not proceed unless those permissions are set. Cpt. Blackbeard 2010

  • The unwriteable Sammansmaltning is a return to the lengthy epic on the first side, although its not quite as repetitive, but just as spellbinding with its dual sax attack.

    Latest reviews @, the ultimate progressive rock music website 2009


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