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  • O museu tem de tudo desde cartas de amor a diversas prendas oferecidas pelos amantes como ursos de peluche e fotografias, mas também objectos diferentes como uma prótese de uma perna doada por um veterano de guerra que se apaixonou pela sua fisioterapeuta.

    Museum of Broken Relationships Red 2009

  • O museu tem de tudo desde cartas de amor a diversas prendas oferecidas pelos amantes como ursos de peluche e fotografias, mas também objectos diferentes como uma prótese de uma perna doada por um veterano de guerra que se apaixonou pela sua fisioterapeuta.

    Archive 2009-03-01 Red 2009

  • When I “retired” a veterano at thirty-three, the Locos let me drift out of the life, nice and easy.

    The Madonnas of Echo Park Brando Skyhorse 2010

  • When I “retired” a veterano at thirty-three, the Locos let me drift out of the life, nice and easy.

    The Madonnas of Echo Park Brando Skyhorse 2010

  • He was the most respected veterano the Locos had; even during his final bedridden year, when he had to wear a diaper, homeboys from as far as Temple Street held their noses and came to “el maestro” for counsel.

    The Madonnas of Echo Park Brando Skyhorse 2010

  • He was the most respected veterano the Locos had; even during his final bedridden year, when he had to wear a diaper, homeboys from as far as Temple Street held their noses and came to “el maestro” for counsel.

    The Madonnas of Echo Park Brando Skyhorse 2010

  • He was the most respected veterano the Locos had; even during his final bedridden year, when he had to wear a diaper, homeboys from as far as Temple Street held their noses and came to “el maestro” for counsel.

    The Madonnas of Echo Park Brando Skyhorse 2010

  • He was the most respected veterano the Locos had; even during his final bedridden year, when he had to wear a diaper, homeboys from as far as Temple Street held their noses and came to “el maestro” for counsel.

    The Madonnas of Echo Park Brando Skyhorse 2010

  • When I “retired” a veterano at thirty-three, the Locos let me drift out of the life, nice and easy.

    The Madonnas of Echo Park Brando Skyhorse 2010

  • When I “retired” a veterano at thirty-three, the Locos let me drift out of the life, nice and easy.

    The Madonnas of Echo Park Brando Skyhorse 2010


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