vice-secretary love


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  • In this battle, Fengle altogether had 3 shot dead, including vice-secretary Wang Daolun, as well as a woman named Sun Xichun.

    Archive 2007-03-01 2007

  • In this battle, Fengle altogether had 3 shot dead, including vice-secretary Wang Daolun, as well as a woman named Sun Xichun.

    The Fifty Year War on the Banks of Weishan Lake v1.1 2007

  • Melphin Qotoyi, vice-secretary of the National Union of

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1999

  • Vice Secretary - Zou Kota and NomaIndia Mfeketo have indicated their non availability for this position, while the present vice-secretary Marius Fransman has indicated that he is available for re-election.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1998

  • Vice Secretary - Zou Kota and NomaIndia Mfeketo have indicated their non availability for this position, while the present vice-secretary Marius Fransman has indicated that he is available for re-election.


  • The Pan Africanist Congress h room for anti-white racists and would discipline members who opposed opening the organisation to whites, PAC Western Cape vice-secretary Mr Anda Ntsodo said on

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1994

  • Regional vice-secretary Anda Ntsodo said the PAC had exhausted all other channels to free the prisoners.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1994

  • PAC Western Cape vice-secretary Anda Ntsodo said on Monday more than 500 delegates were expected to attend, including his organisation's general secretary, Mr!

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1994

  • NUM vice-secretary Gwede Mantanshe said the union welcomed the pay rise, but there was still "a long way to go" before pay compared favourably with that in other industrial sectors.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1994

  • Each board has its president and vice-president -- generally ladies of the aristocracy -- a treasurer, vice-treasurer, secretary, and vice-secretary, and a body of visitors; accounts are rendered monthly to the governing board, whose vice-president presides in the name of the Queen.

    Spanish Life in Town and Country L. Higgin


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