
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The behaviours and practices of warlords.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

warlord +‎ -ism


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  • The answer to the warlords -- and more importantly to what Afghans, especially the young, call "warlordism" -- is the economic strengthening of the popular base.

    Ralph Lopez: The Real Story Behind Time's Afghan Woman Cover: American Complicity 2010

  • QUESTION: And in the meantime, U.S. troops can be used to police what you just called warlordism?

    CNN Transcript Feb 25, 2002 2002

  • The head of Jobs for Afghans proposes an answer to 'warlordism' and its medieval attitude toward women.

    The Real Story Behind Time's Cover 2010

  • When Khalilzad talked of the problems of "warlordism," critics countered that Iraq doesn't have Afghan-style warlords.


  • Some feared a return to the "warlordism" that afflicted Afghanistan in the recent past.

    Solutions for Afghanistan -- Irregular and Then Some 2008

  • In fact, Baryalai stands at the same crossroads as the country -- between a vision of a certain kind of order and a return to what is known in Dari as qommandonsolari ( "warlordism").

    The Ways Of A Warlord 2007

  • He spoke of "warlordism" and the existence of a de-facto committee in all the ranks, and which was not provided for by any taxi association constitution, but which was responsible for the collection of as yet unaccounted for money.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2005

  • It is likely to be some kind of warlordism, if you will.

    CNN Transcript Nov 10, 2004 2004

  • Francesc Vendrell, the former European Union envoy to Afghanistan, holds that "warlordism," as he calls it, is just as much at the root of the insurgency as religious ideology. Top Stories 2010

  • Obama in his entire speech never once decried "warlordism".

    Asia Times Online 2009


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