
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A female watchman.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

watch +‎ woman


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  • Little pieces of wadded-up newsprint lay on the floor around his shoes, drawing ever-more-severe glares from the watchwoman.

    DIAMOND RUBY Joseph Wallace 2010

  • Little pieces of wadded-up newsprint lay on the floor around his shoes, drawing ever-more-severe glares from the watchwoman.

    DIAMOND RUBY Joseph Wallace 2010

  • Little pieces of wadded-up newsprint lay on the floor around his shoes, drawing ever-more-severe glares from the watchwoman.

    DIAMOND RUBY Joseph Wallace 2010

  • She lives in a trailer parked in the London junkyard where she works as a night watchwoman; daytimes, she heads for the gym and trains hard.

    A Summer Book Bag 2008

  • With her chin jutted out and her general tight-lipped regard, she might have been the museum’s loyal night watchwoman.

    Heaven Lake John Dalton 2004

  • With her chin jutted out and her general tight-lipped regard, she might have been the museum’s loyal night watchwoman.

    Heaven Lake John Dalton 2004

  • With her chin jutted out and her general tight-lipped regard, she might have been the museum’s loyal night watchwoman.

    Heaven Lake John Dalton 2004

  • With her chin jutted out and her general tight-lipped regard, she might have been the museum’s loyal night watchwoman.

    Heaven Lake John Dalton 2004

  • With her chin jutted out and her general tight-lipped regard, she might have been the museum’s loyal night watchwoman.

    Heaven Lake John Dalton 2004

  • With her chin jutted out and her general tight-lipped regard, she might have been the museum’s loyal night watchwoman.

    Heaven Lake John Dalton 2004


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